CPL John Pretty John RM
the battle of Inkerman 5th November 1854
led a section of men which removed Russian marksmen from their caves
GNR T Wilkinson RMA
the seige of Sevastopol 7th of June 1855 repairing damaged battery under heavy fire
LT G Dowell RMA
the Baltic 13th July 1855
rescued the crew of rocket boat under intense fire
CPT Halliday RMLI
the siege of peking 24th June 1900
led the way into some burning buildings under heavy fire
L-CPL Parker RMLI Galipoli 30th April 1915
displayed conspicuous acts of bravery in rescuing wounded in daylight under heavy fire
Major Harvey RMLI
the battle of Jutland 31st May 1916
ordered the flooding of his turret after being mortally wounded to save the crew of the ship
Major Lumsden RMA France 3rd April 1917
led a party to recover six enemy guns under heavy fire.
CPT Bamford RMLI
the raid on Zeebrugge 23rd April 1918
lead a company of men towards the enemy with daring and courage.
SGT finch RMA
the raid of Zeebrugge 23rd April 1918
maintained continuous fire with his turret guns even loosing many limbs and continued to fire until death
CPL T Hunter RM commando
the battle of comachio 3rd April 1945
advanced alone into the German face of machine guns firing the bren gun from the hip to suppress the enemy so comrades could advance